20/4/2006 - EngRish
I just browse through a very interesting websites, www.engrish.com very cute, eventhough i stay in japan; but i never really notice their "engrish", i mean i do know sometimes it sounds strange, and i think im already affected by their "engrish" a bit "Penetrate after office hour instead :p" This is the best "engrish" i say. Singapore needs to 'construct' water as well Now they have juice for whores....at last! What let your partners turn bad shitting space..... A place for U to DIY |
19/4/2006 - Sakura
The last for about a week plus then the flowers will slowly shattered replaced by green leaves It's actually quite a small flower |
18/4/2006 - StiLL cold in apriL
It's spring time, but yet still cold outside....
there still even snow in some areas, crystalic frozen ice starting to melt down slowly...,surely...
i went back home to 'avoid' the coldness but guess can't run much from it..
at least i managed to skip wearing layers of clothes and thick uncomfy jacket though.... ;D
You see how thin i wore? just a normal fleece jacket
but these kind of drastic weather changes really shocked my body, especially my skin upside down.
i was having TERRIBLE, i mean reaaaallllyyyyy really bad ugly hideous skin rashes cause of the huge changes during my time in singapore.
my face's skin are all peeling off like monster, red and chipping off the face.., the worst is the face was swollen; making my big face looks HUGE!.. and the worst part is that its happening during the cny eve til the cny itself! *sob*
it was so bad until i don't dare to meet up with peoples, i hide myself out in the room. my friends all were celebrating while i have to stuck in the room by myself
i feel bad about my friends who came down all the way to my place but then i could'nt meet them up.
Sorry friends, that time i really don't wish to frighten u all. somemore its cny man, really thank you for concerning about me ;D *touched*
10/4/2006 - HP fact
Use left ear when u talking on phone to avoid direct radiation. |
3/4/2006 - My Camera
.....Again..... i impulsively brought myself a camera.
at first i wanted to buy small,cute pocket camera like panasonic lumix 6mpx anti shake which Ayumi advertised
BUT, instead i brought something which is much more over my budget
Which is Panasonic FZ30. but mine is silver in colour.
I kept wondering to myself, i mean, at first i just want to buy small,cute and cheap camera less than ï¿¥35000 , then since all cameras around that price are really huge and bulky , so i raising up my budget to ï¿¥50000.got few choices such as the small ayumi-lumix, or Olympus mini or casio exlim. all fits my criteria, which is small and cute :p.
But then there is another problem. those small cute cameras are mostly using XD-card which i dont have (and i did not intend to buy more), so my choices are narrowed to panasonic lumix type only.
THEN i saw this marvelous professional looking camera. its Big HUGE and Bulky.. faraway from what i want in the first place.
then i start comparing...
the price difference is about ï¿¥20k..that time i dont know why in the hell i feel that 20k yen is "not much"...
THEN i start comparing the mpx...., its 6mpx and 8mpx...
and the features.......
Then... without knowing it...., i buy myself the Big Huge Wonderful ,exclusive, incomparable,nice (come on, Im trying to entertaint myself) camera!
eventhough actually, i kinda regretted it.coz the EXTRA features which i talking about is actually nothing much of a difference....(compared with the price
15/12/2005 - Teaching??
I was asked to participate in somekinda international-understanding programme which requires me to explain some stuff about singapore-malaysia-indonesia, which i thought will be easy... But, i was wrong...., I thought i will only need to tell those kids about the foods, maybe the temperature and something like that.... but then they asked me like how much the fines if throwing chewing gum on the street in singapore. hmm i know it`s definitely will be some fines but i have no idea how much is it. somemore where to find a gum in sg???, then they also asked me how much the fines if anyhow throwing a garbage on the street.. hmmm.. they keep asking about the amount... *headache* then, they stated that they search net and found out that msia got 26 deg temperature roughly for the whole year.., hmmm where got so cold??? unless in genting rite???, or maybe on the top of mount kinabalu.. might be.... but KL, JB?? somemore sarawak???! so damn hot rite? but still quite fun.. i guess ;D You see how cute those kids :D, sit down and listening to my "story" seriously.... but i feel like a fool up there... |
13/12/2005 - Winter
Love it, Hate it.... I loves snow, the feeling of it, the shape of it... BUT i also hate it as well coz of the coldness it takes... I` feel really sick now, headache , bloated, `gassy`, etc.. and it`s all coming up together at the same time...., *sigh* i don`t even know what to write now.... btw, it`s only few more days left. can`t wait to go back sg and meet some friends. hopefully they can spare some times though.. oh, recently i met someone who was soooooo stinggy. i mean he is the worst man i ever met in my wholelife. first he asked me to have lunch BUT then when i arrived, he told me he had taken his lunch and just wanted to chit chat with me only??? (he should told me before rite?!). THEN, instead we find some place to sit and talk (at least some drinks rite?), he asked me to follow him and then we go to some park with some chairs there.... then ok.. i was just being polite, talk with him....., common all bullshits talks.. until my throat was dry... then my voice became soar, LUCKILY he notice it then he said he go buy some drinks. then he came with some bottled water. then i asked him how much. he answered `its ok. only S$1`(with that PLEASE PAY ME BACK LOOK. then i just gave him S$1. and guess what. he took it!.... then the worst part..., he started to hint me.... for.....KNNMCCB, is he crazy or what?! i really feel like wanting to slap him and spit on him rite on his face!. if u were me. im sure u wanted to do the same things. not mention about what he wore. a torned jeans, which is obviously too long for his short legs and then some home-rubber-slippers matched with wrinkled-yellowish shirt....OMG and he keep saying that he was a senior engineer, high salary bla bla bla bla.... many girls likes him but he don`t really likes them... bla bla bla.... *puke* i know by saying this, i sounds very mean... but.... i really cant control myself!!so pardon me ok. and stop calling me! u know that that day he called me to say that he saw me with some man. then i said `yes???` (whats your problem-it`s none of your business rite!-tones) then he said that he dont mind as long he can spend just a day with me bla bla bla......, how about moving into nearby my house...., crazy! really freak me out man! |
5/12/2005 - Hi-tech toilet
What i love about it??
How it `respect` U.
- It will auto open the lids like it`s welcoming U..... (the sensor)
- the warmth of it, giving U the pleasure sitting on it..... ( U see the cord there?, it`s for warming up the seat)
- it will clean and flush itself first even before U sit on it. giving me the feeling of it was especially provided for me....
And the best thing of all is
THE BUTTONS..........
the remote controls...
spray to the front-back or just `splash` your ass...., the feeling is...... priceless....
U can also configure the pressure, the angle .... ...`RED-BULL`
the 1st button is ... u know what... A STOP BUTTON
2nd is ... single pressure ass-cleaner
3rd.... also something like the 2nd one but more.... `gentle`
4th.... is for cleaning the excessive waste
the rest of the button below is for adjusting the angle, pressure, etc...
On top its button for opening/closing the lid.and for flushing pee/boo
clearer version which i take from web (coz mine isnt THIS clear) Please note that this is only for viewing and info only with no other intention in it.( attached the original link)
and beside this remote, there is also another tool, which produce, flushing-sounds.
some people peeing with high pressure which cause a loud irritating cum embarassing sounds which lead them to flush the bowl often to cover the sounds of it. which also relates to waste of water and etc...etc...
SO, just wave your hand in front of it. then it will produce similar sounds like U flushing the bowl. save water, saving the environment, saving the earth.. etc...etc...etc.....
again taken from web same as 1 of the picture above. only for viewing and info. no other meaning. the rest of the picture is taken by me :D
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