Have u ever paid S$100 plus for crossing a bridge? i did....!!.... was extremely shocked when i paid the toll fee.... and its only for crossing a bridge which connect an island to another small island which is not so faraway at all!....
here is some pictures taken not from the bridge but from a 'viewing area' not far from the bridge. cant really get any pictures when im on the bridge.. coz its actually a highway, so couldnt really take a good snap of the views...
Neh.... the bridge behind me..., taken from i think like 750m above the sea level.
Anyway, today has passed .......,been a bit down recently BUT TODAY was really a stressfull day for me,....., my head keep spinning around, even my friends asked me why im in such a daze during the class...., doesnt looks like me... honestly it's really the first time im having such stress. Don't you think it's really hard to explain things to someone? im having a Huge difficulty in explaining myself to other people, ALWAYS ends up either misunderstood about the real matters nor ends up stupidly quarrel. so in the end sometimes i will just give up.........sob.....
oh, the weather recently has been quite accomodating :D, not too hot.. still a bit hot though.. but acceptable somehow....., but cant really go to the beach anymore, they said its dangerous to swim since the jellyfish starting to "dominating" the seas............
what will u do when u bored?
sigh *yawn* dont know why i post these pictures... very....."super nothing to do too much free time* post i just realized that my hair thinning alot....... think soon i got baldy head :< so now im doing some diy hair treatment while writing this entry...., sob sad my hair really drops a lot....., i used to hate my big hair when i was young..,i even stupidly plug out my hair one by one during a lesson in the class coz i feel my hair was TOOO MUCH.... , stupid rite... now realized that every strand of hair is really precious... sigh regrets always comes late....
i never really likes any particular movie stars nor singers except for one, michael jackson.. i know some of u might laugh at me.. but, he is the real idol i have since i was like 12years old, i think?... i still remember the first time i fell for him, i was walking around with my mom then i passed this 1 video store , that time is those small-beta video, not the vhs big-tape-type video,then the shop playing michael jackson's concert, i still remember it clearly, it was his bucharest's concert, i was stunned. i just stand up in front of the tv screen and stud captivated.. then i beg my mom to buy the video but then she ignored me..
then the next day, i went there by myself, used up my savings, that time i only get like S$30cent/day..which is meant to be use for lunch, i save up on lunch, just eat cilaka bee hoon soup. after that very first video, my liking to him become stronger and stronger, almost every week i go to every video shops, hunting for his videos. which is really hard to get at that time. i start collecting his albums, i even insist on buying the originals...., and of course all using my savings..., hmm i was kinda 'special', while other girls are spending their money on accesories, makeups, i stayed 'natural' with my looks rather than enchanced it, to diversize my collections :D not long after, i even become some kind of 'nerd'..., when i fall down, or accidently hurt, i just go and listen to his song on my big bulky walkman and suddenly the pain just dissapeard!... i really worship him at that time..., from videos, then cassetes, after that i start collecting his photos and tried imitating his style, all the clothes i bought was in black and white, i was like 13-14yo at that time... while at that time my friends was in aaron kwok,backstreet boys craze, but i still faithfully stick with my michael jackson.. even my youngest sister are also influenced by me, she become my 'follower' ! years passed-by i started to followed the trends ,listening to techno then trance,but i STiLL likes him. even until now.. although my taste of music doesnt varies much,i can honestly say that my taste of music is a bit
erm... 'special'..., not many singers can really captivate me as much as him... although he kinda "absent" now as many singers comes and goes... but to me, he will be the one and only... unreplaceable :D wish i could post up pictures of my collections here but too bad all my collections are left behind back in my hometown..., maybe when i go back i will snaps some pictures and post it here :D
i likeee this so much, but then all my friends said not nice.... hmm confuse, should i buy or not buy???
i want to buy the red one... erm.. i really got a huge trouble with choosing...., while other people got eat-disorders,think i got choosing-disorders..... i just cant make myself choose something.... , sometimes i cant decide on which colors to buy, or which model to buy...., can take me hours to think!.. in the end i always ends up not buying the thing at all or buying both of the things. ., bad rite |
i was still drooling and dreaming on my bed until suddenly a door-bell ringing....... then i heard some knocking on the door...., wonder who that could be, since it's only 7.50 in the morning...
then quickly i change my top to something more decent , didnt even brush up nor comb my hair, then opened the door......, and walaaa..it's the courier man!!
He was squatting down on the floor..., writing something.don't know what and he seems quite surprised when i opened the door.. hmm...maybe because of my just wake up-no brushing-chow2-look at that time?...
anyway... i paid the $, take the box excitingly.........
the packaging was nice.... , then i slowly opened the box........
ok here what i bought :
-maquillage eye shadow in violet
- pore serum coz i got hugeeeeeeeeeeeee poressssss sob....
- green eyeliner
- eye brightener
- mask
- foundation, this revue type really good for sensitive skin like mine..really gives a sheer finish
- eye cream --- never use before but someone told me to start using this early since im not that young anymore ....
spent a lot but...happy
btw, i bought this top a week ago, and just found out that its too small for me when i want to wear it just now...so if anyone interested just leave me a message
bought in a boutique in osaka for ï¿¥5999 around S$81 - i think? , brand is crestline.
bust size : 79-87
fit for 154-162cm height.
i didnt try it on when i bought this, and also i didn't see the sizing chart inside, it's very elegant, the material also really nice
the cutting can make the bust looks bustier
just name a price, but please offer a reasonable price,
postage fee will be around |ï¿¥600 ard S$10. for normal postage to singapore.will reach within a week.
Its stretchy, brand new never wear at all, eventhough in the pictures its looks wrinkled but its because i just put it inside the bag never take it out until just now
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