Day & Nite Parade.. think my trip this time really just for watching parade.., coz most of the time, wasted in 'reserving' seats... waiting like 3 hrs even before the show start..., cant really go play the rides... the only ride i rode is peter pan rides which is sooo damn waste of time and pinochio
So Hottt! i was burnt until my skin peels off , a real medium-rare grilled! somemore i forgot to bring my sunblock, worst is that we have to 'reserved' the seat for the best view of the parade....., so 'bo bian' we got to sit down under the sun hours before the show start ...
Shocking rides :D , rode almost all of the rides except for the ghost house thingy especially if i have to go in alone coz my friend dont want to accompany me to go in.... |
Woke up early in the morning, then managed to catch a glimpse of the mount fuji.... was quite breath-taking view i say... then proceed to boat duck-riding...., tiring and really..........excruciating! he charged me 1500 yen for 15mins?!! but then, not far from his boat, there is another boat who renting out for only 700 yen!...*Cilaka*!!!
Hungry.........., i only take the breakfast package from the hotel , to save $ :<> so we go outside , looking for foods ... and finally found a restaurant nearby. but not cheap also... cost me like 1100 yen
7/11/2005 - Cold...
it`s only autumn but the weather is getting colder everyday... ;( luckily i`m going back this winter. escape from the freeze this year i need to go to thailand again...(*sigh* 3 yrs in a row :( going to the same place, stayin in the same hotel, same route) a bit bored..but what to do..., since they want to go there so i`ll have to accompany them. i was thinking going to other place at first.... but its already confirmed... but i really look forward for the massage ;D i lovesssss thai massage. really shocking ! after that 'boring' trip, i will have to stay in singapore for quite a while to accompany my other friend. bored also .. not many friends left. lost contact with almost all of them already.but i hope it wont be a dissapointing trip though.
I went for hiking on saturday,(hiking by car :p). that day was a foggy day.. this place really makes me feel like wanting to play catch-chase with someone.
*sigh* feels like an idiot .......
Scary, coz` of the fog... i cant really see what`s coming through the woods... then suddenly got big bus coming....., somethin like express bus from 'underworld''....come out of nowhere.....
*gasp* this scenery really takes my breath away...(hmm doesnt really looks good in the picture though-... -) but in real-life. its really *GASPING* makes me feels like dragon ball flying around on floating cloud (err.. if u know what i mean)
SPying on o-ba-sans..... :p behind got a car selling BBQ Squid and corn.. damn expensive! 500 yen 1 pcs (almost S$10). then feel like cheated. coz of the heavenly smell, i bought 1 squid. BUT then she took another squid (NOT THE HEAVENLY SMELL SQUID), bbq it a while thats it. the one i bought got no `heavenly smell` at all .maybe only a bit of `earthly smell`. :p later i found out that she purposely put 1 special squid on the stove and burn it all day just for the smell to attract stupid people like me.... The squid tasted not bad though... |
It was my first time visiting the hot spring (onsen). at first i was hesitated to go, because U have to be naked in front of strangers..... But i finally made up my mind and go..... can`t really take many pictures there, since so many naked peoples around....
The `bathtub` is not so big.. maybe the size of kids swimming pool.
After finished, they said their skins feel smoother, but... hmmm.... why mine still feel the same??! |
Have you noticed that the templates has changed?
last time was like this :
then my friend`s givin a `reviews`
Took me Hours to changed it yesterday. i also put another song, it`s my favourite song (actually my song with my ex *sob*) inside, it will autoplays but took quite sometime for the loading. so be patience ok ;D
Story about me and
my New MP3 player
-The End-
talk about shoes, im kinda shoe-fetished person. i got like more than dozen pairs of shoes, some i only wear like 1x then just put it as decoration in the rack.hmm kinda waste, but i just cant help it. Nowadays the trend are more to sharp edges (flat version of aladin shoes). very painfull but it really makes your foot looks smaller and sexier :D a price to pay to look pretty. a tips to make it less-painfull is by buying 1 size larger. at least your tumb got some space to breathe. another thing is to wear finger-socks (those type which only cover ur toes). but if your shoes is the full-type then its better to buy your own size, because it will be `ugly` to walk with the shoes-back flapping. LIKE THIS
I dont really care about the brand, but most brand i have is BLaY, JeLLy BEanS, Pinky and DIane Don`t know why i loves their design. and its quite comfortable and durable as well.
I put some dried charcoal inside the shoes rack, it can lessen the odours. and it`s cheap plus long lasting ;-D
Damn super tiring trip. keep walking and walking and walking. until i hurts my back, my legs bcome numb and i almost faint coz of it.
But it was nice though. the roads, the places. its really amazing. but its a really expensive place to visit, with all the temptations to buy. I also visited Yokohama, about half hour from tokyo city, hmm a bit dissapointing trip, dunno why the hell i went there for. waste of $$ and time. only to look at chinatown, eating super expensive meat bun (S$10/ 1 pcs!!) and spend so F-ing expensive chinese food lunch (S$60). all the foods are so so only. i can get the same kinda food in singapore for only like S$20 or even less man! Then went to akihabara, bought myself a mini mp3 player. which i dont regretted, really stylish and MINI ;D i can even use the surface as a mirror ;D the hotel where im staying at, damn small. especially the bathroom part. everytime i took a bath, i ends up knocking my head on the pillar. so, i have to bend or squat down when i want to wash my hair nor rinse it. haiz i still prefer those love hotel type. BUT its kinda hard for me to stay in those place coz of the negative-use of those kinda hotels
The stations and subways... so packed with people, even worst than orchard-mrt station in singapore. those peoples are rushing like hell, saw 2 girls, slipped and turned upside down coz of they walked so fast while wearing i think about 3 inch high heels shoes. i think it`s really dangerous wearing heels. but i dont understand how could they wear those heels while they have to keep walking and walking, somemore for transfer or change of train, u have to walk really long distance to another platform.. tsk tsk tsk.. really amazed by them But then, coz staying too long here. i kinda affected by them :p i start buying those sharp shoes- with heels somemore. nice but damn painfull. u guys should really grateful to us , gals. we suffer so much just to be seen by U guys. We have to endure blisters, pain, even worst when u wear new shoes. the pain even more unbearable :( I Regretted buying this shoe :(
AbOuT Me
I loves themeparks, especially rollercoasters.
maybe because of the feeling of andrenalin rushing into your blood veins. that kinda feeling is PRICELESS
these are the places i`ve visited ;D
This is called, diving coaster-vanished. located in yokohama city. quite a small themepark. not really exciting..but i think it`s the most beautifull park i`ve ever been (during the eve-nite time)
Located in somewhere near the okayama prefecture. the most frightening rides i ever tried!.if u just look at the picture, u`ll think it`s just a kids game. THAT`s what i thought at first. BUT, after u ride on it.wahlao....., speechless...
it`s has no safety net or whatever!
Standing coaster. just so-so only. feel nothing when i rode this
90 deg coaster. not bad. but i accidently knock my head on the metal rails when its spinning, really painfull. really must carefull when riding this. cannot look around. just sit still and look ahead.
Other parks such as disneyland.. i feel it`s really beautifull but lack of adrenalin-excitement?? maybe more family-kids oriented?. but worth to visit.
As for universal studios. i kinda likes it. they have nice 3D tech.really not bad.
I`ve been to the Genting 1 as well. hmm i feel it`s not exciting at all. i rode their coasters.feels like the wind only swirls to my face....(but that was few years ago. maybe they have upgraded it already)
those i loves is the Jerudong park in brunei. but i heard they kinda ~degradating~?? might be, coz my last visit was about 6-7 yrs ago....
many things could happens within 7 yrs...
but of course must go with your love ones. if not it`s meaningless ;D
You see the small machine below the tv? thats where they usually put the vending machine selling kinky stuff (even got nurse costume ler), cup noodle..etc
Coz once u in, u cannot get out unless u pay (something like kanna locked inside)
(the pictures taken from snowranger web, a love hotel in osaka-for sample-viewing purposes only)
of course, some rooms are kinda KINKY... in a way.......
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